Tantric Chakra ritual
Do you want to experience the beauty of tantra, together with your beloved (or temporal practice partner)?
In this evening we dive into the power of chakras.
Chakras are powerful doorways that invite you to liberate yourself in all areas of your life. Your chakras mirror your life.
The root, your foundation, your connection to your primal power and the earth. After that, the sensuality and water of your lower belly. Then fire, between the navel and the heart, your powerrr, your inner warrior. Then we move to the heart, the place of air. Your feelings and emotions, your sensitivity..from there we go up higher to the sounds of the throat and the inner stilness of the third eye. And we finish with the crown, the connection to the divine.
You will experience how powerful it is to connect to all these different areas. From low to high, they are all important.
In this 3 hour workshop, you will first dive inwards with a blindfold (the chakra dance journey), to explore your own chakras within.
After that, we will do the journey once again, but then connected with your partner. You will help each other to connect with the centers even deeper, and start circulating between your own chakra and your partners.
- connecting with yourself and your partner
- lifeforce flow through your whole body
- connecting heaven and earth through your body
- feeling all energies inside, from primal to divine
- bringing balance and liberation to your energy
- experiencing the power of ritual
FACILITATORS Rakesh&Elfriede
Rakesh&Elfriede are on the tantric path as a couple for more then 10 years. Experienced in organising many many tantric events, such as Tantra Festival Amsterdam and Tantric Dance.
You are assured of good spaceholding and guidance during this beautiful evening.
Ketelhuisplein 41, Amsterdam
The price of a ticket is 88,- (per couple).
Book here!
Yes.This event is only accesable with someone you want to do this excercise with. For us, it doesnt need to be your beloved, but it can also be a friend or someone you feel comfortable doing it with.
Send whatsapp to +31 6 18 18 95 85