Kundalini Rising Training
Welcome to this intensive, in-depth 'next level' training. For experienced Tantrikas and people with extensive experience in the field of process work.
Kundalini is the most powerful energy we have access to as humans and we must be ready to generate and channel this energy.
This is a training for people with courage, and are ready for a straightforward approach. An approach without sugar coating and detours.
Kundalini is like a razor-sharp blade that 'cuts' through everything that is not truth, where we still hold on, where we brake, where we still oppress.
The path of Kundalini is about the path of ultimate liberation.
Getting rid of old blockages, stuck mind stuff and ego constructions.
Are you ready for a journey of true transformation? Do you feel ready to become truly free once and for all and let your life energy really flow?
This workout is direct, intense and transformative.
We do not push or force the energy, but are playful and open to it in which profound shifts are made.
This energy finds its way if we surrender to it and let 'the medicine' clear old blockages.
This training is for you if you:
* are ready for profound transformation
* have experience in the field of tantra and really want to go into depth
* wants to go to the core
* can carry yourself and feel strong enough to work with kundalini
* are ready for profound transformation
* have experience in the field of tantra and really want to go into depth
* wants to go to the core
* can carry yourself and feel strong enough to work with kundalini
What do we do?
* Kundalini activation
* Kundalini 'to shake'
* Chakra opening
* direct coaching and feedback
* shadow work
* breath exercises
* embodiment practices (dancing blindfolded, sharing from your body)
* Kundalini activation
* Kundalini 'to shake'
* Chakra opening
* direct coaching and feedback
* shadow work
* breath exercises
* embodiment practices (dancing blindfolded, sharing from your body)
If you did not already participate in our intro evenings, we wish to talk with you on forehand
Kundalini Rising Training
WG terrein
Ketelhuisplein 41, Amsterdam
FaceBook Event
8 keer donderdag avonden
16 januari
30 januari
13 februari
27 februari
13 maart
27 maart
10 april
8 mei
FaceBook Event
Kundalini Rising Training